Progress Report:
Since the issuing of the following petition on February 23, over 4100 people from 65 nations have signed, of those, 219 notable VIP signers. However, at the same time, the nuclear doomsday clock has reached ever closer to midnight, as the U.S., UK and NATO forces have sent massive quantities of heavy military equipment into Ukraine, while deploying new troops and armaments to the Russian border across Europe. Nuclear war is discussed everywhere as a likely outcome, a madness unprecedented in modern history. The illegal sanctions on Russia, while doing more damage to the West than to Russia, have unleashed the hedge fund speculators in the City of London and Wall Street, aggravating a hyperinflationary explosion which is causing escalating immiseration and starvation globally.
The Schiller Institute, on April 9, sponsored a Conference on the same subject as the petition (see full video and list of speakers here), a historic event, demonstrating that the majority of nations and peoples can unite to both end the drive for war, and support the necessary reorganization of the world economy. Keynote presentations were given by Schiller Institute Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche and the Ambassador to the United States from the Russian Federation, Anatoly Antonov, along with leading men and women from India, China, South Africa, and Ibero-America, as well as Europeans and Americans.
The Conference must be the start of a rapidly expanding dialogue among all citizens of the world, at every level, to establish a new paradigm for mankind based on peace through development. Signing and circulating this petition is an urgent task for all those of good will.
4624 Signers
Please sign below
In light of the escalating Ukraine crisis, people around the world are urgently asking themselves and their political leaders where this will all end. Is this heading towards a very big, perhaps even thermonuclear, global confrontation? Are we facing a reverse, more dangerous Cuban Missile Crisis? Will Mankind even survive?
Behind this very real danger of war, and the cause of that danger, is the blowout of the entire trans-Atlantic financial system. A nearly $2 quadrillion speculative bubble of derivatives and debt is already blowing apart. A hyperinflationary process has been unleashed globally, with an accompanying collapse of the physical economies of the Western nations. The City of London and Wall Street, the owners of that bankrupt system, are desperate to destroy any functioning alternative to their system — such as Russia and China’s alliance around the Belt and Road Initiative, which now incorporates nearly 150 nations — and the financial Establishment has openly stated that this is what is at stake.
So has Vladimir Putin, who has correctly said that the U.S./U.K./NATO relentless expansion eastward up to Russia’s very borders, is driven by this economic policy, and that it threatens Russia’s national security in ways Russia cannot accept.
Therefore, to stop the drive to war, it is necessary to adopt a more fundamental approach, which is to establish an entirely New Paradigm that will ensure the security, and the economic development, of every nation on the planet. The only recent precedent for this in the West, is the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, which put an end to 150 years of religious wars in Europe. It was crafted only at the point that all parties realized that, if they continued on their current path, there would be no winners and very few survivors. They chose to create a New Paradigm based on the defense of the interest of the other, and on the premise that the security of all was the first requirement for the security of each party.
That is the key lesson of the Treaty of Westphalia for today. The world today stands at a similar crossroads. If the current geopolitical policies continue, nuclear war becomes a very real possibility — after which there would be no winners, and most probably no survivors.
Instead, an international conference must immediately be convoked along the lines of the Peace of Westphalia. The fundamental interest of all of the parties is to ensure that the central economic and security interests of each are taken care of — in other words, an order based on the benefit of the other, on the common good or the General Welfare, and on an underlying love of all Mankind.
The economic system must also be drastically reshaped to express this outlook. The renowned American economist Lyndon LaRouche specified in great detail how such a system would work, based on what he called his Four Laws:
- The immediate re-enactment of the Glass–Steagall law instituted by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, without modification, as to principle of action. This means putting the entire speculative financial bubble through bankruptcy reorganization.
- A return to a system of top-down, and thoroughly defined, National Banking, as specified by the U.S. first Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton.
- The purpose of the use of such a Federal credit-system is to generate high-productivity trends in improvements of employment; with the accompanying intention, to increase the physical-economic productivity, and the standard of living, of the persons and households.
- Adopt a fusion-driver ‘crash program’ to promote the fundamental breakthroughs in science which unlimited economic growth and development require.
The Schiller Institute and its founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche issue this call to initiate the urgent international discussion that is needed to convoke such a conference, and stop the so-called “Doomsday Clock” before it strikes midnight. It is time for institutions and individuals from every nation to step forward and join the mobilization for an international conference to establish a new security and development architecture for all nations.
The petition is available in the following languages: Spanish, Italian, French, Swedish, Arabic, Danish, Portugese, German, Russian, Romanian, Greek and Chinese.
219 notable VIP signers, arranged in alphabetical order by continent, and within each continent, alphabetical order by country.
Africa |
Africa | Tse Anye Kevin | Deputy President, State55 Afrika |
Algeria | Smaine Djella | Professor, University of Algiers |
Congo, Republic of | Diogène Senny | President of Ligue Panafricaine - UMOJA Congo; Coordination avec les Partis Panafricanistes |
Mozambique | Samo Fernando Soares da Manhiça | Executive Director, International Alliance for Development - Mozambique |
Nigeria | Adeshola Kukoyi | Founder - Equilibrium Perspectives (University of Lagos) |
Nigeria | Aliyu Suleiman | Pan Africanist |
Nigeria | Zubair A Zubair | Pan Africanist, Human Rights & Youth Activist |
South Africa | Meshack Maxongo | LaRouche South Africa |
Zimbabwe | Munashe Chiwanza | Civil Engineer |
Asia/Australia |
Australia | Trudy Campbell | Australian Citizens Party |
China | Yifan Ding | Chair, professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University |
Guinea | Jacques Bacamurwanko | Former Ambassador of Burundi to the United States |
Iraq | Mustafa Jabbar Sanad | Member, Council of Representatives (Parliament), Basrah |
Lebanon | Basham El Hachem | Professor of Political Sociology, Doctoral School, l'Université du Liban |
Malaysia | Mohd Peter Davis | Biotechnologist, Visiting Scientist, University Pertanian (retired) |
Malaysia | Dr. Isharaf Hossain | President & Principal Research Fellow, Muslim World Research Center (MWRC), Kuala Lumpur. |
Pakistan | Khalid Latif | Executive Director, Center of Pakistan and International Relations (COPAIR); Program Director (Middle East) |
Pakistan | Shakeel Ahmad Ramay | Chief Executive Officer, Asian Institute of Eco-Civilization Research and Development (AIERD), Islamabad |
Thailand | Pakdee Tanapura | Committee For the Kra Canal |
Yemen | Fouad Al-Ghaffari | President, ALBRICS Yemeni Youth Parliament |
Europe |
Belgium | Frans Vandenbosch | Author of "Statecraft and Society in China" |
Bulgaria | Aksinia Koleva | Director, Confucius Institute, Sofia |
Cyprus | Katherine Alexander | Anglo-Hellenic Law Association |
Denmark | Tom Gillesberg | Director, Schiller Institute, Denmark; former parliamentary candidate |
Denmark | Jelena Nielsen | Director, Russian-Danish Dialogue |
Denmark | Jens Jørgen Nielsen | Former Moscow correspondent, Danish daily Politiken; author of books about Russia and Ukraine; a leader of Russian-Danish Dialogue |
Denmark | Thomas Vissing | Director of a China-Nordic trading company |
Denmark | Dr. Li Xing | Professor of Development and International Relations, Department of Politics and Society, Aalborg University |
Donetsk People's Republic | Russell “Texas” Bentley | Journalist, Former Vice President of Donbass Humanitarian Aid |
France | Jacques Cheminade | President, Solidarité et Progrès, former presidential candidate |
France | Alain Corvez | Col. (Ret.), International strategy advisor; former advisor to the Commanding General of the United Nations Force in South Lebanon (UNIFIL) |
France | Ali Ratsbeen | President, Academie Géopolitique de Paris |
Germany | Dr. jur. Wolfgang Bittner | Author |
Germany | Ole Doering | Professor, Hunan Normal University; Associate Professor, Dep't. for Global Health, Peking University; Privatdozent, KIT |
Germany | Prof. (em.) Dr. med. Ludwig E. Feinendegen | Former full Professor and Director, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf; Program Manager, DOE, Washington, DC; Consultant, NIH, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, 2000-08 |
Germany | Harald Koch | Former Member of the German Parliament |
Germany | Rainer Sandau | Technical Director, Satellites and Space Applications, International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) |
Germany | Prof. Wilfried Schreiber | Prof. Dr. sc. oec. et Dr. Phil., |
Germany | Helga Zepp-LaRouche | Founder and Chairwoman, Schiller Insitute |
Greece | Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos | Ambassador ad Honorem; Secretary General, Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC), 2006-2012 |
Greece | Maria Negreponti--Delivanis | Former Rector an Professor, University of Macedonia, Greece |
Greece | George Tsobanoglou | Professor of Sociology, University of the Aegean |
Italy | Mario Agostinelli | Chairman, Fondazione Energia Felice |
Italy | Pino Arlacchi | Former Director, United Nations Drug Control Programme; Professor of Sociology, University of Sassari |
Italy | Prof. Bruno Brandimarte | Professor of Electronic Measurement, Rome |
Italy | Sebastiano Brusco | Pianist, Rome |
Italy | Nino Galloni | Economist |
Italy | Liliana Gorini | Chairwoman of Movisol (Movimento Internacionale per i Diritti Civili Solidarietà |
Italy | Luca La Bella | Journalist, Database Italia |
Italy | Gianmarco Landi | Journalist, Database Italia, Comitato per la Repubblica |
Italy | Prof. Fabio Massimo Parenti | Associate Professor of International Studies, CFAU, Beijing |
Italy | Vincenzo Romanello | Nuclear Engineer, Founder of Atomi per la Pace (Atoms for Peace), Lecce.Italy |
Italy | Alessia Ruggeri | Spokeswoman of Comitato per la Repubblica, Rome, Italy |
Italy | Gaetano Santoro | Comitato per la Repubblica |
Italy | Roberto Zappia | Lawyer, member of board, Confederazione Legale per i Diritti dell'Uomo (Human Rights Confederation), Milan |
Monaco | Aleksandar Krainer | Author, "Grand Deception: The Truth about Bill Browder, the Magnitsky Act and Anti-Russian Sanctions"; financial consultant |
Netherlands | Guus Berkhout | Professor-Emeritus Geophysics, President of CLINTEL |
Norway | Thore Vestby | Former mayor and MP; Cofounder, ICHI Foundation |
Serbia | Blagoje Babić | University Professor |
Serbia | Prof. Edita Stojić Karanović | Founder-President, International Scientific Forum "Danube - River of Cooperation", Belgrade; Member, Social Sciences Committee of The Hungarian Academic Council of Vojvodina - Serbia; Assembly-Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences... |
Spain | Juan José Torres Núñez | Free-lance journalist, poet |
Sweden | Hussein Askary | Southwest Asia Coordinator, Schiller Institute |
Sweden | Kjell Lundqvist | Chairman, European Labor Party |
Sweden | Ulf Sandmark | Chairman, Schiller Institute, Sweden |
United Kingdom | Mike Robinson | Editor, The UK Column |
Ibero-America/Caribbean |
Argentina | Daniel Adrogue | Veterinarian, Peronist leader |
Argentina | Sergio Benitez | General Secretary, Argentine Workers' Union of Salto Grande (SIATRASAG) |
Argentina | Enrique Juan Box | Media personality |
Argentina | Luis Bragagnolo | Peronist leader; Veterinarian |
Argentina | Walter Formento | Director, Center for Economic and Policy Research (CIEPE), Argentina |
Argentina | Roberto Fritzsche | Professor, Department of Economic Science, University of Buenos Aires |
Argentina | Carlos Perez Galindo | Attorney at Law |
Argentina | Ruben Darìo Guzzetti | Professor, Argentine Institute of Geopolitical Studies |
Argentina | César Gerardo Milani | Lieutenant General (r), former Head of Army of Argentina |
Argentina | Juan Francisco Numa Soto | Constitutional Attorney |
Argentina | Guillermo Urdiñez | Construction bussinesman |
Argentina | Alejandro Yaya | Vice President, Civilian Institute of Space Technology |
Bolivia | Max Ibañez | Former Secretary of Grievance Resolution, National Federation of Electrical, Telephone and Water Workers of Bolivia |
Bolivia | Edwin De la Fuente Jeria | Former Commander in Chief of the Bolivian Armed Forces |
Bolivia | Samuel Luján | University Professor of Computer Science |
Bolivia | Sandra Marca Uscamayta | Integration Coordinator for the Peasant, Indigenous and Native Economic Organizations of Bolivia |
Brazil | Jairo Dias Carvalho | Professor, Philosophy of Technology, Federal University of Uberlândia |
Brazil | Mario Braga | Lawyer; Chinese translator |
Brazil | Igor Maquieira | Biologist; member of CLINTEL |
Brazil | Carlos Mohn | Lecturer; Dental surgeon; MBA, executive management, Fundação Getulio Vargas |
Chile | Bernardo Castro | Human Rights Activist |
Chile | Marcia García | Journalist and documentary filmmaker in various Chilean television media. |
Chile | Andres Ignacio Yavar Lorca | Social communicator and entrepreneur |
Colombia | Mario Guillermo Acosta Alarcon | Scientist and author; General Director of CIFRA (Space Lab City) |
Colombia | Ross Carvajal | Journalist |
Colombia | Carlos Julio Díaz | Social and union leader, Colombia |
Colombia | Everardo Hernandez Pardo | Trade union leader |
Colombia | Alba Luz Pinilla | Vice-President of DIGNIDAD Political Movement |
Colombia | Pedro Rubio | President, Association of Officials of the General Accounting Office of the Republic |
Colombia | Elkin Salcedo | Geophysicist, professor at Universidad del Valle, Cali. |
Costa Rica | Martha Rollins | International Projects Consultant |
Dominican Republic | Caonabo Suárez A. | Poet; member of the Institute of Analysis and Conclusions. |
Dominican Republic | Ramon Emilio Concepcion | Attorney at Law; Presidential Pre-candidate for the PRM party (2020) |
Dominican Republic | Samuel Encarnación | Theologian, Evangelical Christian Church |
Dominican Republic | Ramon Gross | Post-graduate Professor, Catholic University of Santo Domingo |
Dominican Republic | Rafael Reyes Jerez | TV producer, “Face to Face” and “Economics and Politics” on Chanel 69 Teleradioamérica |
Dominican Republic | Enrique Antonio Sánchez Liranzo | Lawyer, writer, poet |
Dominican Republic | Dante Ortiz Nunez | Historian; Professor of History, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo |
Dominican Republic | Eddy Rafael Ruiz Peña | Authorized Public Accountant |
Dominican Republic | Domingo Reyes | Former professor of economics, Ph.D. in Higher Education |
Dominican Republic | Luis González | Director, Center for Analisis of International Studies, Universidad del Caribe |
Ecuador | Ernesto Pazmiño Granizzo | Human rights lawyer, university professor, former Public Defender General of Ecuador, former vice-president of the Justice Center of the Americas. |
Ecuador | Eudín Emilio Ramos Hilarraza | Musician; Biologist |
Ecuador | Alexis Ponce | Rights advocate, National Association of Patients and Vulnerable Families of Ecuador. |
Guatemala | Raúl Anibal Marroquin | Citizen Observatory for Peace "The Pupil of the Sky", San Cristobal Verapaz |
Guatemala | Francisco Javier Figueroa Weitzman | Film and journalism producer and screenwriter |
Haiti | Jhonny Estor | Founder, Renaissance-Haiti |
Haiti | Dr. Garnel Michel | Physician and author; his book 'Bak Lakay' calls the diaspora to return and help rebuild Haiti |
Mexico | Edith Cabrera | Founder and Director of “Coalition #24F Life and Liberty for Julian Assange” |
Mexico | Marino Montoya Contreras | Journalist for El Centinela and LGM News |
Mexico | Daniel Estulin | Publicist |
Mexico | Simon Levy | Founder, Cátedra México-China, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) |
Mexico | Daniel Marmolejo | Investigative journalist, winner of the 2019 National Journalism Award |
Mexico | Enrique Lopez Ochoa | Surgeon, Professor of Angiology, UNISON School of Medicine |
Mexico | Luis Rolando De La Peña Pablos | Engineer. Biologist with specialization in Aquaculture |
Mexico | Francisco Quezada | Mathematician; Professor Department of Sciences and Humanities, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) |
Mexico | Jaime Varela Salazar | Chemical Engineer; Former Director of the Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Sonora (UNISON) |
Mexico | Oscar Ramon Castro Valdez | General Director, "Dossier Político" internet publication |
Mexico | Antonio Valdez | Journalist |
Mexico | Elena Xie | Journalist |
Nicaragua | Bolívar Tellez | University professor |
Paraguay | Kazou Inoue | Businessman, agro sector |
Peru | José Antonio Benllochpiquer Castro | Vice President, Christian Democratic Party |
Peru | Fernando Fauche | National Secretary, Christian Democratic Party |
Peru | Dino Gavancho | National Secretary of the Christian Democratic Party of Peru |
Peru | Manuel Hidalgo | Doctor en Ciencias Contables y Administrativas de la Universidad Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru |
Peru | Adrian Flores Konja | Former Dean of Accounting Sciences, National University of San Marcos |
Peru | Carlos Francisco Gallardo Neyra | President, Christian Democratic Party |
Peru | Ruben Rojas | Nuclear Physicist |
Peru | Carlos Beraún Di Tolla | Marketing and corporate communications consultant |
Peru | Milton Vela-Gutierrez | Professor, University of Lima |
Trinidad & Tobago | Dr. Kirk Meighoo | Political economist, Public Relations Officer, former Senator and university lecturer |
Uruguay | Rafael Pineda | Poet, author |
Venezuela | José Bustamante | Sociologist |
Venezuela | Juan Lamper | Musician. Director of the Augusto Brandt School of Music, Puerto Cabello |
Venezuela | Edgar Rodriguez Martinez | Alberto Adriani Foundation |
Venezuela | César Mogollón | National Coordinator of Central Alliance Venezuela |
Venezuela | Emil Guevara Muñoz | Member of Parliament, Latin American Parliament (2006-2011) |
Venezuela | César Ramos | Degree in chemistry, research scientist, musician. |
North America (U.S. and Canada) |
Canada | Julian Fell | Biologist; Co-Director Area F, Regional Government of Nanaimo, British Columbia |
Canada | Faisal Huda | CEO, BUNA Capital Inc. |
Canada | Bill MacPherson | Past President, Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia |
Canada | John Stone | MChE, Member, Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta |
United States | Dr. Athar Abbasi | Major, U.S. Army (Ret) |
United States | Roland Assmus | Treasurer, South Dakota National Farmers Organization (NFO) |
United States | Jon Baker | Agricultural Bank Loan Officer |
United States | James Benham | State President, Indiana Farmers Union; Board Member, National Farmers Union |
United States | Fr. Lawrence Bernard | Order of Friars Minor (OFM) |
United States | Dr. Charles Borowsky | President,International Institute for Regional Studies |
United States | Ellen Brown | Author and Attorney |
United States | Mike Callicrate | Farm leader, Kansas/Colorado |
United States | Marshall Carter-Tripp | Foreign Service Officer (ret), former political science professor |
United States | Armin Cate | Commander, U.S. Coast Guard (retired) |
United States | Victor Chang | US-China Forum, Inc. |
United States | Alan Covey | Political activist |
United States | Joel Dejean | LaRouche Independent Candidate for U.S. Congress - 38th District (Texas) |
United States | Don and Janell Diehl | Author; former Editor of Salpulpa Daily Herald, "National Farm Writer of the Year," 1977 |
United States | T. Herbert Dimmock | Founder and Music Director, Bach in Baltimore |
United States | Brian A. Earley | Captain, U.S. Army (retired) |
United States | Cathy Edwards | Healthcare Administrator |
United States | Dr. Joycelyn Elders | Former U.S. Surgeon-General |
United States | Frank Endres | Farm Leader, California |
United States | Vincent Esposito | Prof. (ret.), University of Pittsburgh; formerly, Westinghouse nuclear division |
United States | Christopher Fogarty | Chair, Chicago Friends of Irish Freedom; author of "Ireland 1845-1850; the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it 'Perfect'." |
United States | Marsha Freeman | Author, "How We Got to the Moon", "The Challenges of Human Space Exploration"; "Krafft Ehricke's Extraterrestrial Imperative". History Committee, Int'l Academy of Astronautics. |
United States | Graham Fuller | Former CIA Officer and Vice Chair of the National Intelligence Council |
United States | Vladimir Golstein | Author, Slavic Languages & Literature Scholar |
United States | Bennett Greenspan | Medical Doctor, expert in nuclear medicine; past President, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging |
United States | Matthew Griener | City Council, Keota, Iowa |
United States | Dr. Bihong Guan | Chairman, World Association of Chinese Elites |
United States | Ephraim Haile | Eritrean Cultural and Developement Center, Eritrean Diaspora USA |
United States | Bob Van Hee | Redwood County Commissioner, Minnesota |
United States | Geoffrey Hicks | Composer, Conductor |
United States | DeWayne Hopkins | Former two-term mayor; current at-large Councilman, Muscatine, Iowa |
United States | Appo Jabarian | Publisher |
United States | James Jatras | Former U.S. Diplomat and Advisor to U.S. Senate Republican Leadership |
United States | Paz Jiménez | Marketing and sales representative; tour guide in Chile |
United States | Dr. Ernest Johnson | President Emeritus, Louisiana NAACP; civil rights attorney |
United States | John Jones | Committeeman, Democratic Party, Ward 14, Boston, Massachusetts |
United States | Wilbur Kehrli | National Board of Directors, American Blue Cattle |
United States | Frank Kloucek | Former state Senator, South Dakota; sponsor, resolution adopted by SD State Legislature to re-instate Glass-Steagall banking law |
United States | George Koo | Chairman, Burlingame Foundation; retired international business consultant |
United States | Jeremy Kuzmarov | College professor, magazine editor, peace activist |
United States | Robert Lucero | Candidate for United States Senate from California |
United States | Nabajsa Malic | Senior writer, RT |
United States | Caleb Maupin | Founder and Director, Center for Political Innovation |
United States | Mohammad Ashraf Toor, MD | Chairman, Pakistani American Congress |
United States | William F Reid, MD | First African-American elected to Virginia legislature since Reconstruction |
United States | David Meiswinkle | Attorney and former President of the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry |
United States | James Moore | Alaska Trollers Association, PNP Aquaculture |
United States | John OLoughlin | |
United States | Andrew Olson | Farmer, former LaRouche Democrat candidate for governor of Minnesota, U.S. Congress (2nd CD - MN) |
United States | William Palmer | Trump campaign coordinator, Orange Co. NY, 2016; author, "Untold Story of Rocket Boat Missions of WWII" |
United States | Jeff Philbin | Nuclear Engineer, Technical Consultant, Independent Contractor |
United States | Sam Pitroda | Inventor and entrepreneur; Chairman, Indian Overseas Congress |
United States | Denise Rainey | School Administrator and Educator, retired |
United States | Earl Rasmussen | Executive Vice President, Eurasia Center |
United States | Diane Sare | LaRouche Independent Candidate for U.S. Senate - New York |
United States | Haji Abdul Sattar | Vice President, Afghanistan Relief Organization |
United States | Peter M Schuller | Professor Emeritus, Philosophy |
United States | Naser Shahalemi | Executive Director, End Afghan Starvation |
United States | John Shanahan | Editor, website: |
United States | Michael Stettler | Constitution Party of Oregon, Lake County Chair |
United States | Barbara Suhrstedt | International concert pianist |
United States | Everett Suttle | Opera singer |
United States | Qasim Tarin | Chairman, Afghan Business Network, Chairman, QTarin Foundation |
United States | Rebne Thomsen | Retired physicist; former contract employee of NASA |
United States | Bruce Todd | Former Independent candidate for NJ Lt. Governor; Retired Millwright, Local 715 |
United States | Zaher Wahab | Professor Emeritus of Education, former Advisor to the Afghanistan Ministry of Higher Education |
United States | Alan Waltar | Retired Professor and Head, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University; Past President , American Nuclear Society |
United States | Frederick Weiss | Professional musician |
United States | J. Kirk Wiebe | Former senior analyst, Nat'l Security Agency (NSA), 1975-2001; whistleblower; member, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) |
United States | Ron Wieczorek | Rancher; former LaRouche Independent Congressional Candidate South Dakota |