The Oasis Plan: The LaRouche Solution for Peace Through Development Between Israel and Palestine and for All of Southwest Asia

Online Conference
April 13, 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (EDT)
Please register below
Panel 1 • 11:00 a.m. • Creating the Conditions for Dialogue, Security, Peace, and Development in Southwest Asia
Moderator: Dennis Speed, Schiller Institute
Schiller Institute Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche
H.E. Prof. Dr. Manuel Hassassian, Palestinian Ambassador to Denmark
- H.E. Mounir Anastas, Palestinian Ambassador to UNESCO
H.E. Beryl Rose Sisulu, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to Mexico
H.E. Donald Ramotar, Former President of Guyana
- Connie Rahakundini Bakrie, Lecturer, strategic analyst (Indonesia)
H.E. Pavel Shidlovsky, Chargé d'Affaires of Belarus to the U.S.
Prof. Georgy Toloraya, Director, Russian National Committee for BRICS Research
… and more
Panel 2 • 2:30 pm • The Oasis Plan, The Physical Foundation for Economic Development of Southwest Asia
Moderator: Stephan Ossenkopp, Schiller Institute
Jason Ross, Schiller Institute Science Advisor
Ilya Andreev, First Secretary, Expert in Humanitarian Affairs, Russian Federation Mission to the United Nations
Dr. Pierre Berthelot, Associate Researcher at IPSE, member of the Académie de l’Eau and director of the journal Orients Stratégiques
Dr. Kelvin Kemm, nuclear physicist, former Chairman, South African Nuclear Energy Corporation
- … and more, including a U.S. hydrologist and proponent of nuclear desalination
On February 18, The LaRouche Organization released a 14-minute video entitled, "The Oasis Plan: LaRouche's Solution for the Middle East."
How can the Israelis and Palestinians ever make peace after what has happened? Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and international leader of the Schiller Institute, emphasizes that we cannot solve this conflict, or any conflict, by remaining on the level of the conflict. Using a concept from Nicholas of Cusa (1401–1464) called the coincidence of opposites, she urges us to rise above the level of despair, hatred and vengeance, to find a common interest in increasing the welfare of all the people through economic development of the region as a whole.
We urgently need an inspiring vision of a future in which the Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side. "Peace through development" is the name of the concept Lyndon LaRouche (1922–2019) and his co-thinkers have proposed since 1975, and not only here, in the form of the Oasis Plan, but for the whole world in the form of the World Land-Bridge.
The Oasis Plan focused primarily on addressing the greatest barrier to development in the region — the shortage of fresh water — through the construction of a network of desalination plants, ideally nuclear powered, that could turn the plentiful seawater into freshwater. And these plants would not only be on the Mediterranean coast; they would be built along two new canals: one connecting the Red Sea with the Dead Sea, and another connecting the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean.
The Oasis Plan is not only for Israel and Palestine, and the neighboring countries, but the whole Southwest Asia region, including war-torn Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen. And it will only come about by rejecting geopolitics, and starting to build a new paradigm of international relations – a new security and development architecture.
Many speak about the day after. But the only way to get there is to give people hope right now. Now, it is urgent that the future vision of the Oasis Plan be known, developed, and supported, in order to chart a course out of death and destruction, towards mutually beneficial cooperation among sovereign nations.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said in a webcast on March 6, 2024, "You have to have hope! You have to give young people some perspective of having a decent future, where they can raise families, where they can have a normal life of studying, of doing useful things with their lives. Because if you don’t put this on the agenda, what will happen is that even if you get some kind of a partial solution or a ceasefire, but you don’t have a perspective of hope, you will have new waves of conflict, of terrorism, of all kinds of even war. So, are we the intelligent species, or not? And that is the real question...."
"But I think if we all mobilize," she continued, "if we would get some countries, some heads of state, some former heads of state, some Nobel Prize winners, or any combination of really top religious leaders, to come out and say: the only way is peace through development, the new name for peace is development, and here is the Oasis Plan which can do it, that would inspire everybody. It would inspire the people in the region, it would inspire the neighboring countries, it would really—and I have thought about it a lot and the proposal made by my late husband Lyndon LaRouche, already in 1975, it’s still the only way to get peace in the Middle East!"
The memory of those who have perished, and to give hope to the living, demands that we summon the courage to make peace through development.