International Peace Coalition Meeting
August 9, 2024, 11am ET
On Zoom
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This Friday, August 9, the International Peace Coalition calls on you, in memory of those killed by the 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic blasts, to join our emergency assembly. The recent assassinations in Lebanon and Iran, carried out by the Netanyahu government of Israel, are but the beginning to a conflict that, if it extends to Iran, could quickly escalate to a nuclear confrontation. As Col. Douglas Macgregor said on a podcast in April of this year, “I think, the greatest fear that I have, is that once Iran has been attacked decisively in some fashion by Israel, that we will involve ourselves, and contribute to it. And when that occurs, Russia will intervene. Russia will not permit us, with the Israelis, to destroy Iran. Simply isn’t going to happen….And that puts us in a difficult position, because the Israelis may use, at some point, nuclear weapons."
So, I think we have to conspire, if you will, to put this idea of a new security and development architecture on the table, which includes every single country on the planet. Because the present constellation of governments is so difficult—to put it diplomatically—I have also called for the creation of a Council of Reason. That is the call to elder statesmen, retired military, people from science, from culture, who have merit in having contributed something important, to step forward and advise governments and suggest solutions. Because I think the present crop of governments is not fit for the job.
Obviously, the electoral process is very difficult, and many obstacles are there. But I think if we would find in every single country on the planet, in all continents, the wisest people who would step forward. There are examples in history; for example, the Council of Florence in the beautiful Italian Renaissance was such a council, bringing together the wisest people from the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church. They managed to get unity in Christianity, at least for a certain period of time. The Peace of Westphalia itself was such a council of the wisest; also the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which helped South Africa to get over apartheid was such a precedent. So, I think we need to come up with new solutions, because the fate of humanity has never been so much in danger as right now.